Photo by Virginia State Parks. Creative Commons license Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0). Image description: Closeup of a Scarlet Tanager, a bird with a bright red body and black wings and eyes, perched on a branch, with many crisscrossing gray branches and greenery blurring in the background.
CURRENT ACTION ALERTS (click to be redirected)
If GCEDC thought they could avoid hearing from you by holding their public hearings on a weekday afternoon, they were very wrong. More than 50 people turned out yesterday to say NO Data Centers at STAMP! Those in attendance spoke forcefully and eloquently about why they do not want hundreds of millions of their taxpayer dollars going to subsidize a nasty, polluting, energy and water wasting data center that would be built right next to the Tonawanda Seneca Nation's Big Woods on sensitive wetlands.
In response to overwhelming pressure, GCEDC CEO Mark Masse caved. He re-opened the written comment period on the proposed data center financial incentives until February 6 at 5pm, and committed to not making a decision on the data center applicants at this month's board meeting.
Let's celebrate these wins, and our collective power. Then, let's escalate! We're demanding that GCEDC hold a new set of public hearings on the proposed data center financial incentives. The hearing must be scheduled in consultation with the Tonawanda Seneca Nation Council of Chiefs, at least a month in advance, and on a weekday evening.
Here's how to take action.
1) Use this one-click email tool to send your message. Want to add to our automated message? Great! Customize your emails with our talking points.
2) Then, use this one-click tool to call GCEDC CEO Mark Masse. Tell him, “I am calling to demand that GCEDC hold a new set of public hearings on the proposed data center financial incentives. The hearing must be scheduled in consultation with the Tonawanda Seneca Nation Council of Chiefs, at least a month in advance, and on a weekday evening.”
**We recommend calling during business hours.
3) Read J. Dale' Shoemaker's excellent reporting on yesterday's hearings. And watch our social media for much more coverage.
Click here for all of our materials related to Data Centers:
Older Action Alerts
Uphold the Treaty, Stop STAMP!
Hey, DEC! We demand comprehensive permitting of the WNY STAMP water transfer!
Tell DEC: Protect the Refuge! Pull the Permit!
Uphold the CLCPA and Stop STAMP! Take action today
Click here to sign up for our listserve and learn how to support the campaign!
Follow us on social media for all the latest campaign updates and calls to action from Allies of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation:
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For our full archive of action alerts, click on the drop down menu for this page.
If GCEDC thought they could avoid hearing from you by holding their public hearings on a weekday afternoon, they were very wrong. More than 50 people turned out yesterday to say NO Data Centers at STAMP! Those in attendance spoke forcefully and eloquently about why they do not want hundreds of millions of their taxpayer dollars going to subsidize a nasty, polluting, energy and water wasting data center that would be built right next to the Tonawanda Seneca Nation's Big Woods on sensitive wetlands.
In response to overwhelming pressure, GCEDC CEO Mark Masse caved. He re-opened the written comment period on the proposed data center financial incentives until February 6 at 5pm, and committed to not making a decision on the data center applicants at this month's board meeting.
Let's celebrate these wins, and our collective power. Then, let's escalate! We're demanding that GCEDC hold a new set of public hearings on the proposed data center financial incentives. The hearing must be scheduled in consultation with the Tonawanda Seneca Nation Council of Chiefs, at least a month in advance, and on a weekday evening.
Here's how to take action.
1) Use this one-click email tool to send your message. Want to add to our automated message? Great! Customize your emails with our talking points.
2) Then, use this one-click tool to call GCEDC CEO Mark Masse. Tell him, “I am calling to demand that GCEDC hold a new set of public hearings on the proposed data center financial incentives. The hearing must be scheduled in consultation with the Tonawanda Seneca Nation Council of Chiefs, at least a month in advance, and on a weekday evening.”
**We recommend calling during business hours.
3) Read J. Dale' Shoemaker's excellent reporting on yesterday's hearings. And watch our social media for much more coverage.
Click here for all of our materials related to Data Centers:
Older Action Alerts
Uphold the Treaty, Stop STAMP!
Hey, DEC! We demand comprehensive permitting of the WNY STAMP water transfer!
Tell DEC: Protect the Refuge! Pull the Permit!
Uphold the CLCPA and Stop STAMP! Take action today
Click here to sign up for our listserve and learn how to support the campaign!
Follow us on social media for all the latest campaign updates and calls to action from Allies of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation:
Follow these sites created by allies:
Facebook group
For our full archive of action alerts, click on the drop down menu for this page.